January 16, 2014 NEWSLETTER

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Jean Shinoda Bolen


January 2014


Janus the Roman God of Doorways (Liminal Space)
UN CSW - 2014 Schedule - Atalanta

January was named after Janus the god with two faces, one faced the past the other the future. He was the god of the doorway, entry or portal. Janitor is also named after Janus—janitors opened and closed the doors of Roman buildings. It’s a different image and word than one I often use, which comes from limen, Latin for threshold. Liminal, numinous, and sacred  moments occur at the threshold between visible and invisible worlds. This is where Jungian analysis takes place, as well as where creative insights emerge.

Penny McManigal designed this banner for our Pomona College class -- the “Janusites.”(I later transferred to UC Berkeley). With binocular and symbolic vision, I’m seeing the backward looking face as an old man, the forward looking face, as youthful and feminine. Might this symbolize the transition from patriarchy into a new egalitarian age?  We are in the “doorway.” Patriarchy resists with power and sees compromise and compassion as weakness. The old order is on the wrong side of the door and we are all in the doorway. It is here that women will make the difference, just as the twenty women United State senators (bipartisan, meet together regularly in circle) were able to prevent the second government shut down. Time magazine called them “the only grown-ups in Washington.” 

Gifts of the Magi 
—a January celebration of the visit of the Three Wise Men to the stable where Jesus was born.  Do you know what would have happened if it had been three Wise Women instead of three Wise Men ? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts.

Women do things diferently [and better].
UN Security Resolution #1325 recognizes that women do things differently and need to be involved to make peace possible. It takes political will at the top to implement this and other UN documents that would empower women to work toward ending violence and provide for children (and lots more!) . Women have different priorities than men in power. Research shows that strong feminist grassroots movements  influences the political will of governments—the one thing that does.  A UN 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW) would energize a global women’s movement at a time of transition. What happens now determines the future.

5WCW Activism at UN CSW

Written Statement to ECOSOC “The Necessity to have a UN Global Women’s Conference’ submitted to be translated in the six official UN languages.  This supports Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the President of the General Assembly’s Joint Statement asking the General Assembly for a resolution to have the fifth world conference on women. For the text: http://globalconferenceonwomen.net.

Documentary film: FEMME: Women Healing the World. https://femmethemovie.com  
Accepted for showing by NGOCSW-NY,  time/place TBA
A high profile NGO panel on the first afternoon (March 10) of the CSW meetings. At the panel and in handouts on Consultation Day, NGO delegates will be asked/empowered to make appointments with their UN ambassadors to lobby for 5WCW in the General Assembly. Will be able to download the written statement in six languages. 
Silent Meditation at Nigerian Embassy led by Anele Heiges, at the end of which each person can name a person, an event or an intention. Anele always speaks the intention to have a UN 5WCW. Would be strengthened by others. March 12 at 5 pm. International Public Policy Institute

Millionth Circle Workshop: “Implementing Women and Girl's Circles,”
Thursday March 13th, 10:30 am  Hardin Room, Church Center

NGOCSW PANEL, March 10, 2014 4:30 p.m.
“What Will It Take to have a UN Global Conference on Women? 

Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury: “The steps that need to be taken within the UN.” Under Secretary General and High Representative of the UN, former President of Security Council, initiator of Security Council Resolution 1325. Confirmed.  

Musimbi Kanyoro, president and CEO of Global Fund for Women:  invited to speak about involvement of grassroots women leaders and women’s organization. 

Nyaradzayi Gumbonizvanda, President NGO Committee on the Status of Women--Geneva, General Secretary, World Young Women’s Christian Association (World YWCA). NGOCSW-Geneva officially supports 5WCW.

Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, on “The Necessity of a UN Global Conference on Women” Pathways To Peace. Millionth Circle Initiative

Moderator: Rosemary Williams, founder and CEO Women’s Perspective.

Sponsoring Organizations: Pathways To Peace, Women’s World Summit Foundation, Earth Child Institute


Y-Hall of the Armenian Convention Center (630 2nd Ave, NY)


Books in Transition—Moving Toward Publication in 2014

In July 2014, HarperCollins is coming out with three anniversary editions of my books.  I wrote new Introductions to the 30th Anniversary Edition of Goddesses in Everywoman and the 20th Anniversary Edition of Gods in Everyman. No text revisions. The 10th Anniversary Edition of Goddesses in Older Women also emerges with a new cover, but will have to wait until it gets older for a new Introduction. The covers are being worked on in the art department. No images  to show you yet.
My new book Atalanta is not quite done. It was to have the subtitle The Indomitable Spirit of Artemis, with neither names household words, “Why have both in the title?” was a question from my publisher. As of now, I have thought of a new subtitle which will require me to make text changes. It is in the production process and moving toward publication in September 2014.

Upcoming Events 2013

For more details, click here for Jean's full schedule

March 6, 2014    San Rafael, CA 
FEMME—Women Healing the World @San Rafael Theater

7 pm screening, Jean Shinoda Bolen & Emmanual Itier speakers
Sponsored by UNA-Marin https://femmethemovie.com

March 10, 2014 New York City  at 4:30 pm 
NGOCSW Parallel Event    

Panel:   What Will It Take to have a UN Global Conference on Women? 
Y-Hall of the Armenian Convention Center (630 2nd Ave, NY)

March 28-30, 2014.  San Antonio, TX
Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM)

Keynote “Borderlands”
Special Event: panel In Celebration of Goddesses in Everywoman 

June 21-28, 2014.  Helena, MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch with Barbara McAfee

Women’s retreat: Path With Soul: Trusting an Inner Compass

July 11-13, 2014. Carpinteria, CA 
Pacifica Graduate Institute

Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman:
Archetypes in Depth Psychology & Soul Work

July 25-27, 2014. Stockbridge, MA
Kripalu Center

Artemis, Women’s Circles and Sacred Feminine: 

September 7-12, 2014. Rhinebeck, NY
Omega Institute

Goddesses, Circles & Empowered Women 
Women’s Retreat with Barbara McAfee

September 26-27, 2014. Victoria, BC Canada
C.G. Jung Society of Victoria,

Lecture: The Meaning We Make of the Numinous
Workshop: Path With Soul, Path With Heart: The Inner Compass

November 14-21, 2014. Big Sur, CA
Esalen Institute

Goddess Archetypes and the Sacred Feminine:
Sources of Authenticity & Meaning (for women )  
Workshop on Goddesses and Gods in Everyone: Archetypes in Depth Psychology & Soul Work (for everyone)

With love, hope, perseverance and optimism,
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD

and the archival site www.5wwc.org


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Jean's Author FB page: www.facebook.com/Jeanshinodabolen

Organizations supporting 5WCW page: www.facebook.com/OrgsSupporting5WCW

Sign the 5WCW Petition:
for a U.N. Sponsored 5th World Conference on Women