2009-16 Past Event Archive
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2016 Past Events
January 11-16, 2016 - Feminine Leadership Activation Summit
Jean Bolen's interview is live on Friday, January 15
Scroll down to the speaker photos, Jean is under Sacred Circles.
Enter email for access to Jean's interview
January 7-14 2016 - Havana, Cuba
The New York Center for Jungian Studies
Cuba: Myth, Music & Spirit
December 4-6, 2015 – Rome, Italy
IAAP – Analysis and Activism Conference
Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology
First Breakout Session:
Saturday, December 5, 11:30am to 1:10pm:
Artemis, Archetype Liberated by the Women’s Movement
More: Artemis the Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Moon (Roman Goddess Diana), twin sister of Apollo is the archetype of the feminist, environmental and social justice activist, whose major symbols are the bow and arrow, crescent moon, and mother bear. Myths reveal archetypal patterns in women who personify Artemis: sisterhood with women, brother-relationships with men; ability to focus on goals of her own, quick to act and punish, outrage, and whose realm is the wilderness. This is the archetype of the women’s movement and the archetype liberated by it in the latter part of the 20th Century. Artemis is lived out in women, is an anima image in egalitarian men, and a major image of women onscreen and in the world. Film image and real life roles come together in actress Angelina Jolie, special ambassador for UNICEF, whose personal life exemplifies Artemis qualities, and in Emma Watson of Harry Potter screen fame, spokesperson for UN Women, the UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women.
Details: Click Here
December 4-6, 2015 – Rome, Italy
Casa Editrice Astrolabio Ubaldini Editore, Piu Libri Book Fair
Sunday, December 6, between 4-7pm:
Introduction to Italian version of
Artemis, The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
Link to Invitation
December 1-3 – Barcelona, Spain
Editorial Kairos Spanish Edition of Artemis Media & Event
Tuesday, December 1: Book Presentation of Artemis
Wednesday, December 2: Workshop: Artemis,
The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
The archetype of Artemis is in women who share qualities that describe Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon. It is the archetype in women who are activists, feminists, environmentalists, have a love of nature, a sense of sisterhood with women and equality with men. Artemis enables women to focus on targets of their own choosing, to set goals for themselves. In families where girl and women are expected to be obedient or compliant, a wise and courageous Artemis child may become silent and keep these qualities alive in her imagination. The moon aspect is about spirituality and reflection. Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen is a noted author, Jungian analyst, psychiatrist and activist, who also is a story-teller. When she tell us stories of Artemis and the mortal Atalanta, they become alive and we make connections between ourselves and this archetype or between ourselves and women we know and are attracted to who personify Artemis.
Details: Click Here
November 27-28 – London, England
C.G. Jung Club London
Friday, November 27: Evening Lecture:
Artemis the Archetype Liberated by the Women's Movement
Artemis the Greek Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, twin sister of Apollo is the archetype of the activist—for women, social justice, animals, and environment. Her symbols are the bow and arrow, the crescent moon, and mother bear; her realm is the wilderness. In this talk, Jean Shinoda Bolen brings Artemis to life through storytelling, amplified by examples from life and analysis which are likely to resonate in listeners who will recognize Artemis in themselves as archetype or anima.
Saturday, November 28: Seminar:
Path with Soul/Path with Heart: the Inner Compass
People have an innate sense that there is a purpose to life, related to the idea that life is a soul journey. Jung’s individuation, Campbell’s finding your personal myth, the hero’s journey, Persephone’s abduction into the underworld are variations of the message. We suffer life-threatening illnesses, heart-breaking losses, betrayed expectations. They take us into unfamiliar terrain. We find ourselves at a crossroad. Which path to take? What is an inner compass: what can we know in our bones?
The Jung Club
venue:The Essex Church
112 Palace Gardens Terrace
Notting Hill Gate
London W8 4RT
November 3 – Los Angeles, CA
USC Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds
Presentation: Tuesday Noon – 1:00 pm
The Mythology of Artemis and the Psychology of Women
who Personify this Archetype
Keck School of Medicine, USC
Los Angeles, CA
September 2-6, Siracusa, Sicily
Art & Psyche in Sicily – IAAP Conference
Attending as Participant
October 5-6 - Boulder, CO
Two World Wisdom School
2015 Wisdom Gathering
Conversations with Jean Shinoda Bolen
Colorado Chautauqua
More Info: http://www.twoworldswisdom.org
October 15-19 - Salt Lake City, UT
The 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions
Salt Palace Convention Center
Women's Assembly Oct. 15 (9AM-5PM)
Major Speaker Session at 9:15 and 10:45 AM, Exhibit Hall 3
The Women's Assembly will provide an important opportunity for women to address
and discuss two areas of vital interest: The responsibility of the world’s religions to affirm women’s dignity and human rights, religious and spiritual inspiration for women’s empowerment.
Speakers include Mother Maya Tiwari, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Ruth W. Messinger, Marianne Williamson, Ilyasah Shabazz, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere, Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., Ms. Lokawua Margaret, Robert Thurman, Phyllis Curott, Diana Butler Bass, Bishop Barbara King, Masami Saionji, Nam Hee Kim, and Mallika Chopra.
Oct. 18 (8:15-9:45)
Conversation between Jean Shinoda Bolen & Terry Tempest Williams
"Deepening Conversation, Finding Common Ground:
Circles with a Spiritual Center"
A conversation between two activists, noted writers, and distinguished honorees in their respective fields. Terry Tempest Williams is a naturalist, Jean Shinoda Bolen MD is a psychiatrist and Jungian analyst. Both are spiritually motivated at their core by love and mystical experiences. Terry’s Mormon roots, Jean’s Presbyterian beginnings and their respective religious, spiritual and psychological journeys, what sustains them in adversity and loss, how they write, and where inspiration comes from, are areas they will explore. This will be a spontaneous conversation between two inner-directed women, who have an appreciation and love for each other and for their respective work, and have spent very little real time together. The Self, synchronicity and the Sacred Feminine are concept words for personal experiences that have mattered to them, and have touched their readers. Where this conversation will go and what emerges may likely relate to the Mystery that underlies their individuation, and each of our personal myths. Terry is a
n activist for the environment and beauty, has testified before Congress and participated in demonstrations. Jean is an advocate for a UN 5th World Conference on Women as a means of energizing the global women’s movement.
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
More Info:
August 16-21, Esalen Institute - Big Sur, CA
5-Day Workshop
Your One Wild and Precious Life: A Deepening Gathering for Women
The premise of Jean’s Jungian, feminist, and spiritual perspective begins with the certainty that it matters what we do with our “one wild and precious life,” a quote from the poet, Mary Oliver. To find and live our personal myth, is to be true to who we are. For many who attend, the likelihood is that Artemis the goddess of the hunt and moon, whose real and metaphoric terrain is the wilderness -- is an archetype, inner child, and activist.
The archetypes in Jean's Goddesses in Everywoman are within us, and the expectations and limitations from outside of us, act powerfully on us. What happens to us and the choices we make ourselves, shape the path we are on which is a soul journey. This workshop invites self-reflection and deepening. It is an invitation to meet Hecate. the goddess of the crossroads, and archetype at the threshold between phases, as an inner figure.
Jean weaves psychological insights, spiritual meaning and music into her storytelling which bring myths to life and relevancy. Participants will have time in small circles with a sacred center for discussion.
More Information
June 20-27 - Helena, MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch
Week-Long Retreat
Women’s Retreat: Water, Moon, Yin: A Women's Retreat
For the first time, a river will run through the workshop--we will raft down a tributary of the Missouri River in the middle of the week. The moon will be moving out of new moon into first quarter when we begin, which is an aspect of Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, archetype of the sister, goal achiever, and activist, whose realm is the wilderness. There will be time to listen to stories and myths, to be playful, to be in circle, to have opportunities for friendship and solitude. In the midst of the beauty of the outer world of big sky, trees, hills and lake at Feathered Pipe, the inner world is evoked, the inner child remembered. Participating in a ritual sweat lodge will be an option. Nature and women together result in an emerging awareness of the sacred feminine, women’s mysteries, and women’s wisdom.
More Info:
May 30, 2015 – Berkeley, CA
The Dream Institute, Workshop 10am – 1pm
Artemis: Goddess, Archetype, Source of Meaning and Activism
More Info:
March 9-20, New York
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Tuesday, March 10 — 4:30 pm
Lecture: "Indomitable Spirit in Activists and the Archetype of Artemis"
Sponsors: Pathways To Peace, Women's World Summit Foundation, Millionth Circle Initiative, Earth Child Institute and Women's Perspective
Armenian Convention Center, V-Hall
630 2nd Avenue (at 35th street)
New York, NY 10017
Thursday, March 12 – 8:30 am
Panel: "Every Woman, Every Right, Everyone is Responsible; The Time is Now
Organized by Fran Butensky; co-sponsored by ICJW and COO/UNAUSA - International Council of Jewish Women (ICJW)
and the Council of Organizations, United Nations Association, USA)
Armenian Center, Guild Hall
630 2nd Avenue (at 35th street)
New York, NY 10017
Thursday, March 12 — 2:30 pm
Panel: "Women and Girls Empower One Another: Lessons Learned
from Beijing Forum and the Women's Movement"
Sponsors: Pathways To Peace, Women's World Summit Foundation,
Millionth Circle Initiative,
Earth Child Institute, Women's Perspective.
Salvation Army Building, Auditorium
221 East 52nd Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY 1001
Saturday, March 14, Fairfield, CT
Sacred Heart University
Luncheon & Lecture 2 pm:
Indomitable spirit in Activists and the Archetype of Artemis
The archetype of Artemis was liberated by the women’s movement. It is the archetype in women with an innate sense of social justice, equality with men and sisterhood with women. Like Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, whose realm was the wilderness and symbol was the Mother Bear, this archetype enables women to focus on targets of their own choosing, to be protective of girls and the environment, and have a spiritual connection with Nature. Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD is an internationally known speaker and author of thirteen books, including The Millionth Circle, Goddesses is Everywoman, Urgent Message From Mother and Artemis:The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman. Dr. Bolen is an advocate for a UN 5th World Conference on Women, the first since Beijing 1995, in which 40,000 women attended the Forum and were role models and support for each other . Real life and fictional women embody Artemis: Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, fictional Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games and Jo in Little Women, as well as Gloria Steinem, Angelina Jolie as special UN representative of UNICEF, and Wangari Matthai. Nobel Laureate who inspired the Green Belt movement in Africa. Learning through stories, myths and insight, we will see the strengths, vulnerabilities, and shadow of this archetype in ourselves. Talk followed by discussion.
5151 Park Avenue
Fairfield, CT 06825
March 28, April 4 and April 11
The Intelligent Optimist Webinar
8:30 am PST each Saturday
Online Course:
Artemis – Goddess, Archetype, Inner Child, Activist
The archetype of Artemis was liberated by the women's movement, it is the archetype in women who are activists, entrepreneurs, feminists with an innate sense of social justice, equality with men, and sisterhood with women. Like Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, this archetype enables women to focus on targets of their own choosing, to set goals for themselves, and go into new terrain. In families or cultures where girls and women are expected to be obedient or compliant, a wise and courageous inner child may become silent, kept alive in the imagination. The moon aspect is about the capacity for reflection and spirituality. The psychology of Artemis, Athena, Hestia, the virgin goddesses of Greek Mythology, is of "one-in-herself, an archetypal quality that remains untamed and unsubdued--indomitable no matter what happens to them.
In this three-part course, storytelling and meaning come together when Jungian analyst and author tells about Artemis the goddess, Atalanta the mortal, and examples of girls and women who drew upon these archetypal sources as a means for participants to see their own lives and the lives of others in this light. The realm of Artemis is the "Wilderness" as a place to find beauty and oneness with nature, and a metaphor for going into the unknown, the transition zones in our lives. Jean's books and talks touch people deeply, reaching imagination and feelings.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Mt. View, CA
East-West Book Shop
Book Signing. Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
324 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041
(650) 988-9800
February 13-15, 2015 - Seattle, WA
Women of Wisdom Conference
Friday, February 13, Keynote Lecture, 7 pm
The Indomitable Spirit in Women: The Goddess, Archetype & Inner Child
Wednesday, February 14, Workshop 9 am to 4:30 pm
Path with Soul, Path with Heart: Trusting Your Inner Compass
North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way N, Seattle, WA
(206) 782-3363
Email: wow@womenofwisdom.org
Website: womenofwisdom.org
Sunday, February 15 - Port Townsend, WA
Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Sunday Morning Sermons: 9:15 AM and 11:15 AM
"Numinous Experiences and the Soul"
2333 San Juan Avenue, Port Townsend
More Info: 360-379-0609
Saturday, February 28 - Seattle, WA
Seattle University Book Festival
Piggott Auditorium, Seattle University
901 12th Avenue Seattle, WA 98122-1090
More info: seattleu.edu/searchformeaning
November 14-21, 2014
Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA
Artemis: the Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman:
Guide to Authenticity and Meaning
Nov. 14-16

Goddesses and Gods in Everyone:
Archetypes in Depth Psychology & Soul Work
Nov. 16-21 Workshop
(CE credit for MFTs and LCSWs)
Esalen Institute, 55000 Highway 1, Big Sur, CA 93920
November 3-5, 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland
Palais des Nations
Geneva NGO Forum UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
Regional Review of the Status of Women 20 Years After the
Beijing Platform for Action
November 4 Round Table:
Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women
More information:
October 17-19, 2014 - San Rafael, CA
National Bioneers Conference
Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 at 2:45 pm
Archetypes in Everywoman
Hosted by Anneke Campbell, author, activist, filmmaker.
With Jean Shinoda Bolen, author, Jungian therapist, activist
Luisah Teish, teacher/storyteller/priestess in the Ifa Orisha tradition;
Sri Swamini Svatmavidyananda, teacher of Vedanta and Sanskrit, resident Acharya of the Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam.
Marin Center, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, CA 94903
More Info:
October 3-4, 2014 – Charleston, SC
The Sophia Institute
Women’s Retreat
Transforming our Lives; Transforming our World:
Archetypal Sources of Wisdom, Spirituality, and Activism
Friday, October 3, at 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Saturday, October 4, 10 am - 5 pm
Charleston, South Carolina 29401
CEU’s offered
September 26-27, 2014
C.G. Jung Society of Victoria, Victoria, BC Canada
Friday, Sept. 26, 7-9 pm
Lecture: The Meaning We Make of the Numinous
Lecture Location
Alix Goolden Hall, 907 Pandora St., Victoria

Saturday, Sept. 27 all-day Workshop:
Path With Soul, Path With Heart: The Inner Compass
Workshop Location
Wood Recital Hall, 900 Johnson St.,
Victoria, BC
July 25-27, 2014
Kripalu Center
Stockbridge, MA
Artemis, Women’s Circles and Sacred Feminine:
A Women’s Retreat with Jean Shinoda Bolen
More Info: http://www.kripalu.org
Friday, September 19, 2014 – Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage
7 PM Book Signing
Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA 94925
September 5-6, 2014 – San Jose, CA
Healing Journeys presents
Cancer as a Turning Point Conference
20th Anniversary Celebration of Thriving
Friday, September 5, 2014
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Opening talk by Jean:
"The Story We are Living and the Meaning We Make of It."
Evening with Jan Adrian, Emmett Miller, MD, Susan Mazer & Dallas Smith
Saturday, September 6, 2014
9:00am – 5:00pm
Cancer as a Turning Point Conference
Approved for 2 Continuing Education Credits for
The Heritage Theatre
1 West Campbell Ave., Campbell, CA 95008
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 – Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage
7 PM Book Signing
Goddesses in Everywoman
30th Anniversary Edition
Gods in Everyman
25th Anniversary Edition
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA 94925
July 11-13, 2014
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Carpinteria, CA
Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman
Archetypes in Depth Psychology & Soul Work
Pacifica Graduate Institute at Ladera Lane
801 Ladera Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
More Info: www.pacifica.edu/pp406.aspx
June 21-28, 2014
Feathered Pipe Ranch with Barbara McAfee
Helena, MT
Path With Soul: Trusting an Inner Compass
More Information:
May 10, 2014
San Francisco, CA
SGI –Culture of Peace Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series
Saturday, May 10 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm
Topic: TBA
2450 17th Street and Potrero
at the San Francisco SGI-USA Culture Center in the Ikeda Auditorium
Click here to download flyer
March 28-30, 2014
Association for the Study of Women and Mythology (ASWM)
Borderlands: Scholarship as Pilgrimage and Mystery
San Antonio, TX
Special Event: Panel In Celebration of Goddesses in Everywoman
El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel
110 Lexington Ave
San Antonio, TX 78205
March 10-21, 2014
UN Commission on the Status of Women
New York, NY
Monday, March 10 at 4:30 pm
Panel: What Will It Take to Have a UN Global Conference on Women?
UN Commission on the Status of Women, New York, NY
4:30 in Y-Hall of the Armenian Convention Center
630 Second Ave, NY
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury: Former Under Secretary General and High Representative of the UN, former President of Security Council, initiator of Security Council Resolution 1325.
Musimbi Kanyoro, President and CEO of Global Fund for Women:
Nyaradzayi Gumbonizvanda, President NGO Committee on the Status of Women--Geneva,
General Secretary, World Young Women’s Christian Association (World YWCA).
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, author Pathways To Peace Statement “Necessity for a UN Global Conference on Women,” 5WCW advocate, Millionth Circle Initiative
Moderator: Rosemary Williams, Founder and CEO Women’s Perspective, Millionth Circle
Click here to download PDF of UN-CSW Circle Events Schedule
March 6, 2014
FEMME — Women Healing the World
San Rafael Theater
FEMME — Women Healing the World
San Rafael Theater
7PM Screening
Jean Shinoda Bolen & Emmanual Itier, Speakers
Sponsored by UNA-Marin
FEMME is an inspirational voyage about women around the world who are actively transforming and healing global society of a daily basis. Starring Sharon Stone, Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Riane Eisler, Nobel Peace Prize Laureats Shirin Ebadi and Mairead Maguire, Rickie Lee Jones, Gloria Steinem, and more! Influential women discuss religion, science, history, politics and entertainment - and the solutions to the multiple crisis we face throughout the world. FEMME focuses on utilizing a feminine approach with nurturing energy to inspire a new hope for the future.
San Rafael Theater
1118 Fourth Street (Between A & B) San Rafael, CA 94901
Tickets: General $10.75, Seniors & Youth, $7.50, CFI Members $6.50
Phone: 415-454-1222
November 1-2, 2013 — Charleston, SC
The Sophia Institute
Women of Wisdom IV: Transforming Our Lives, Transforming the World
The Sophia Institute
Women of Wisdom IV: Transforming Our Lives, Transforming the World
Saturday, November 2: Workshop 9:30am-5:00pm
The Emergence of the Empowered Feminine
Saturday, November 2: Workshop 9:30am-5:00pm
The Emergence of the Empowered Feminine
Author, Jungian analyst, and activist Jean Bolen returns to the Sophia Institute to lead a workshop on the Emergence of the Empowered Feminine. She will be telling stories from myths and life, and examples from events in the world. We know her as a storyteller whose stories touch us because they reveal something important about us. There is meaning and inspiration in stories from Atalanta: The Indomitable Spirit of the Artemis Archetype--her current writing, from Arthurian legends and myths. The empowered feminine is about wholeness, healing and authenticity, it is about heart-centered activism and creativity. There will likely be a guided meditation, small circle participation, and discussion.
Avery Institute at College of Charleston
125 Bull Street Charleston, SC 29401
Saturday, October 12, 2013 — San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Writing for Change Conference
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Keynote 9:00 am Writing for Change:
When Women Wake, Mountains Move, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle:
Energizing the Global Women's Movement
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
When Women Wake, Mountains Move, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle:
Energizing the Global Women's Movement
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
1187 Franklin Street (at Geary), San Francisco, CA
October 4 – 5, Colorado Springs, CO
The C. G. Jung Society of Colorado Springs
Friday, Oct. 4th, Lecture 7-9PM
Catching Fire: Imagination and Activism
Imagination precedes change—psyche is activated by stories, role models, and dreams that touch soul. Passion and imagination precedes creativity, healing, activism on behalf of ourselves and others. Compassionate action is spiritual activism. Fierce compassion says “enough is enough!” Outrage in defense of what and who we love is mother bear activism and the protective masculine that finds the strength to rise up to save what we love, which can be a precious part of ourselves. When a vision of who we could be catches fire, we become activists on behalf of ourselves. To live our personal myth, individuation, finding meaning are related to small and large acts of courage. Heart-centered activism inspired her newest book, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle.

Saturday, Oct. 5th, Workshop 9AM - 5PM
Path with Soul/Path with Heart: the Inner Compass

Saturday, Oct. 5th, Workshop 9AM - 5PM
We have an innate sense that there is a purpose to life which is related to the idea that life is a soul journey. To do what we came to do and be who we were meant to be is not so easy. Jung’s individuation, Campbell’s finding your personal myth, the hero’s journey; Persephone’s abduction into the underworld, the gods and goddess archetypes may help support the choices we make. In this workshop Jean Bolen invites us to remember and connect with our inner compass: it may be what we know in our bones, which as in her book, Close to the Bone, is soul knowledge that we may decide to trust in the midst of a potentially terminal illness. Or it is heart-chakra information: what our heart knows is true for us. The most difficult experiences in life may be opportunities to align with soul.
September 20-21, 2013, Vancouver Island, BC
Annual Labyrinth Society Gathering
Friday, Sept. 20th, 7pm
Keynote: Labyrinths for Global Healing, Landscapes for the Soul
The labyrinth is a powerful image and metaphor for a soul path. Walking a labyrinth with this awareness deepens the metaphor and is an enactment of it. Making a labyrinth in silent absorption taps into a deeper knowing. Going to sacred places with the receptivity of a pilgrim is to take a labyrinthine journey to a place of centering, to receive something, and return with it. All are ritual acts. In this keynote, Jean will describe her experiences with the archetype and reality of the labyrinth and tell how she uses and draws upon it in her work as a Jungian analyst and as a global activist.

Saturday, 9:00 to 11:15 am
Workshop: Living Life as if in a Labyrinth

Saturday, 9:00 to 11:15 am
Workshop: Living Life as if in a Labyrinth
Soul work, one’s personal myth, Jungian concept of individuation, midlife centering possibilities, life-threatening illness, spiritual beings on a human path, descents into the underworld, becoming a heart-centered activist are all labyrinthine journeys. In walking a labyrinth and musing upon our lives, we realize that there are no dead-ends, only unexpected turns that test our faith that there is meaning to being here. As Jean tells stories and myths, we find ourselves remembering and reflecting upon significant times in our lives. Whether we know it or not, at every significant juncture in our lives, we have been at a crossroad with Hecate, that place of consciousness and choice.
(ref: Close to the Bone, Goddesses in Everywoman, Goddesses in Older Women, Gods in Everyman)
Circle Experience: “Circles with a Sacred Center”
Jean will convene this as a circle with the invisible presence of Hestia goddess of the Hearth and Temple at the center, an experience of a circle as a “temenos” or sanctuary, that also contributes toward the metaphoric, tipping point, “millionth circle."
Tigh Na Mara Resort & Conference Center
Parksville, BC, Canada
September 5 – 8, St. Louis, MO
The C.G. Jung Society of Saint Louis
Third Jung in the Heartland Conference, “Healing by the Numinous”
Friday, Sept. 6th, 7 to 9 pm
Lecture: The Meaning We Make of the Numinous
We come into the world with the capacity for awe and wonder. We are receptive to the numinous and through the millennia, have worshiped divinity in countless forms This is what distinguishes us from all other creatures with whom we share much DNA. Sacred experiences like synchronicities are subjective, some are major special moments in which we feel connected with Divinity, the Great Mystery, the Tao, the Self. A profound sense of connection and meaning often accompanies the numinous, which is gnostic not intellectual, and comes via active imagination, dreams, physical and spiritual experiences.
Saturday, Sept. 7th, 10:45 am to 4:15 pm
Workshop: Path with Soul, Path with Heart: the Inner Compass
We have an innate sense that there is a purpose to life which is related to the idea that life is a soul journey. To do what we came to do and be who we were meant to be is not so easy. Jung’s individuation, Campbell’s finding your personal myth, the hero’s journey, Persephone’s abduction into the underworld, the gods and goddess archetypes may help support the choices we make. In this workshop. Jean Bolen invites us to remember and connect with our inner compass: it may be what we know in our bones, which as in her book, Close to the Bone, is soul knowledge that we may decide to trust in the midst of a potentially terminal illness. Or it is heart-chakra information: what our heart knows is true for us. The most difficult experiences in life may be opportunities to align with soul. It is soul that recognizes the numen — or divine spark in others and in ourselves.
King’s House, Belleville, Illinois
August 18-23, 2013 - Copenhagen, Denmark
XIXth International Congress for Analytical Psychology
100 Years on: Origins, Innovations and Controversies
Thursday August 22
3:30 pm – 5 pm
Break-Out Session
Emergence of Empowered Conscious Feminine:
Women, Archetypes, Planetary Crisis - a Jungian Perspective.
Registration open to Jungian analysts and candidates
June 22-29, Helena, MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch
Women’s Workshop with Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD and Barbara McAfee
Times of Change and Creativity: At the Crossroad with Hecate
We invite Artemis and Hecate (and women who know or want to know them) to come to this summer’s women’s workshop at the Feathered Pipe Ranch. Both are goddess-archetypes of the moon. With the full moon in Cancer on June 23 following the shortly after the Summer Solstice, this retreat is a time for clarity and reflection. Hecate is a liminal figure between upper world and underworld. She exists at transitions between one phase of life and the next, between this world and the other side, between past, present and future. Midweek we will enter into a shamanic cave through a labyrinthine passage that has metaphoric meaning as a descent into the underworld and as a womb space and birth passage for new life, activism and creativity when we come back into the upper world. There will be music and song in the circle and sound that will resonate in the cave because Barbara McAfee is joining Jean as a co-leader. Some form of singing, chanting or humming will find a place in most aspects of this workshop. We’ll find that sound and vocal presence resonates with the heart center--the inner compass on a path with heart or soul journey.
Feathered Pipe Ranch
Helena, MT
Friday, June 7 - San Francisco, CA
Lecture 7 to 9 pm
Writing and the Inner Life Symposium
California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Sunday, June 2, Corte Madera, CA
Book Passages — Book Signing
4:00 pm
Moving Toward the Millionth Circle
Subtitle: Energizing the Global Women’s Movement
Book Passage
51 Tamal Vista Blvd.
Corte Madera, CA 94925
April 26-28, 2013 Santa Barbara, CA
The Writer's Journey: Inside Out and Back Again
Annual Spring Conference Pacifica Graduate Institute at Ladera Lane
Sunday, April 28th, 11:00 AM–12:30 PM
Where My Books Come From
Jean Shinoda Bolen
"I think of writing as giving form to feelings and intuition that grow from a seed idea. I get pregnant with a new book. Synchronicities support its growth and development. This talk is an opportunity for me to reflect upon writing and the relationship of it to what I do as an analyst and activist. Writing is like all other individuation choices—it takes courage to be original, to say what is true, anticipating real or imagined outer consequences. To write can be an invitation to do what you love, to act from your heart. When such is the case, ego and Self, archetypes and life story come together. From conception to delivery is an inner process. Taking it into the world, quite another matter of persona and marketing. It takes love, hope, imagination, perseverance, optimism, absorption, and commitment to write a book, or to make a conscious decision to have a baby, especially when this may be a difficult undertaking, or making a midlife transition that leads to birthing a new life.”
Pacifica Graduate Institute’s
Ladera Lane Campus
801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
March 4 – March 15, 2013
New York, NY
UN Commission on the Status of Women - Fifty-Seventh Session
March 2 Gathering 5 – 8 pm TBA
March 3 – Consultation Day
Saturday March 2, 2013
6-8 pm – A book launch, activist gathering for 5WCW
and reception for
Moving Toward the Millionth Circle
with Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D
Affinia Shelburne Hotel
303 Lexington Ave., New York, NY
Tuesday, March 5, New York
Panel, 8:30 - 10 am Panel
“Degradation of the Environment and Violence Against Women and Girls.”
with Nina Simons, Donna Goodman, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Kumbutani Mwanyongo, Kaye Savage, Anneke Campbell.
(Download flyer)
Donna Goodman, Founder Earth Child Institute (ECI):
"Relationship Between the Degradation of the Environment and Violence Against Women and Girls"
Nina Simons, Co-founder Bioneers:
"Related Stories: Violence Toward Women, indigenous People, and the Earth"
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD (Pathways to Peace UN Permanent Representative):
"Not Enough Trees, Too Many People = Climate Change.
Empowered Women Are the Solution."
Panelist World Association of Girls Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
Moderator, Anneke Campbell (Bioneers)
Earthchild Institute, Bioneers, Pathways To Peace
International Public Policy Institute
Drew Room, Church Center, Concourse Level
777 UN Plaza, New York, NY

Tuesday, March 5, New York
Panel, 6:15 pm
Grassroots Activism and a Global Women's Conference (5WCW)
Zainab Salbi, Founder Women for Women International
"If You Knew Me, You Would Care"
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD (Pathways to Peace UN Permanent Representative)
"Moving Toward the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women's Movement, Advocating a Global Conference on Women (5WCW)"
Aimee Allison, San Francisco Department on the Status of Women
"How San Francisco Works Toward Empowering Women
and Implementing UN Documents"
Elly Pradervand, Founder & CEO Women's World Summit Foundation
"Efforts on Behalf of the White Ribbon Campaign and 5WCW in Geneva"
Moderator: Rosemary Williams, CEO & Founder Women’s Perspective
Pathways To Peace
Women's World Summit Foundation
Millionth Circle Initiative
Peace X Peace
Women's Perspective
Earth Child Institute
Auditorium, Armenian Convention Center
630 2nd Avenue (at 35th street) - 10th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Wednesday, March 6, New York
Panel, 10:30AM - 12:00 Noon
The Little Banana: Moving the Immigrant Child from the Violence of Cultural Uprooting to the Empowerment of Creative Expression
Karen Cadiero-Kaplan
Director, English Learner Support Division,
California State Department of Education
Cristina Igoa
California Teacher of immigrant students
Zarmina Kochi
Immigrant Student from Afghanistan
Video Clip
Parents speak of student advancement
Rosario Campos
Immigrant Student from Mexico
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Psychiatrist, Permanent UN Representative Pathways to Peace
Moderator: Mary Jo Toll
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
UN Church Center
777 United Nations Plaza, NY
Click Here to Download PDF Flyer About This Event

Wednesday, March 6: 12:30 pm, Panel
"TIME 4 PEACE: Ending Violence Against Women and Children"
H.E. Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury
Mr. Dean Peacock, Sonke Gender Justice Network
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, Pathways to Peace
Dr. Anele Heiges, IPPI
(Download Flyer)
Women’s World Summit Foundation
Millionth Circle Initiative
International Public Policy Institute
Armenian Convention Center
630 Second Avenue (at 35th Street), V-Hall
New York, NY 10017
November 16-18, 2012 – Big Sur, CA
Esalen Institute
A Workshop for Women
Your One Wild & Precious Life
Esalen Institute
55000 Hwy One, Big Sur, CA 93920
Oct. 19-20, 2012 - C.G. Jung Center
Friday, October 19 at 7-9 PM
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
Sanctuary, Woodfords Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine 04103

Saturday, October 20 - 9AM - 5PM
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
Memorial Hall, Woodfords Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine 04103
Website: www.mainejungcenter.org
August 25-September 1, 2012 - Helena, MT
Feathered Pipe Foundation Workshop
Jean Shinoda Bolen and Monika Wikman

Women’s Wisdom, Pregnant Darkness
Wednesday, March 6: 12:30 pm, Panel
"TIME 4 PEACE: Ending Violence Against Women and Children"
Mr. Dean Peacock, Sonke Gender Justice Network
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, Pathways to Peace
Dr. Anele Heiges, IPPI
(Download Flyer)
Women’s World Summit Foundation
Millionth Circle Initiative
International Public Policy Institute
Armenian Convention Center
630 Second Avenue (at 35th Street), V-Hall
New York, NY 10017
Esalen Institute
Your One Wild & Precious Life
Esalen Institute
55000 Hwy One, Big Sur, CA 93920
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
Sanctuary, Woodfords Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine 04103

Saturday, October 20 - 9AM - 5PM
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
Memorial Hall, Woodfords Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
202 Woodford Street, Portland, Maine 04103
Website: www.mainejungcenter.org
Jean Shinoda Bolen and Monika Wikman

Co-leader: Monika Wikman, Ph.D.
Website: www.monikawikman.com
Feathered Pipe Ranch, Helena, MT
More Info at:
July 27-29 – Stockbridge, MA
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Weekend Retreat:
Your One Wild and Precious Life:
A Deepening Gathering for Women
57 Interlaken Rd., Stockbridge, MA 01260
More information:
Thursday, June 14, 2012 7:00PM
Book Launch: Sabia como un Arbol (Wise Like a Tree)
Hotel Grand Marquis Ballroom
Reforma 465, Col Cuauhtemoc
Mexico City
Agustin Paniker, Paty Kelly, Jean Shinoda Bolen
Contact: Victorina Saldana, Nirvana Libros
Saturday, June 16, 2012 - Mexico City
Workshop, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm:
From Goddesses in Everywoman to the UN Fifth World Conference on Women
Hotel Geneve
London, 130
Zona Rosa, Col. Juarez
Websites: www.sincroniaencuentros.com
Blog: www.jean-shinoda-bolen-en-mexico.com
Arrangements made by SincroniaEncuentros
Website: www.sincroniaencuentros.com
May 25-28 2012 -- Rhinebeck, NY
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
Your One Wild and Precious Life: A Deepening Gathering for Women
In Jean’s storytelling, myth comes to life. In listening, there is resonance with the archetypal depth in the psyche. The premise of Jean’s Jungian, feminist, and spiritual perspective begins with the notion that it matters what we do with our “one wild and precious life,” a quote from the poet, Mary Oliver. To find and live our personal myth, is to be true to who we are. The goddess archetypes in us and the expectations and limitations from outside of us, act powerfully on us. What happens to us and the choices we make ourselves, shape the path we are on. What happens in us, is soul-shaping. While any of the archetypal goddesses and gods may be active, a workshop that invites self-reflection and deepening, will invite us to meet Hecate. the goddess-archetype at the threshold of transitions. Hecate was goddess of the crossroads, with the attributes of midwife, witness, witch, and personification of intuitive and psychic wisdom. She is an inner figure, and the third, crone aspect of the great goddess, associated with the waning moon, autumn and the third phase of women’s lives. Jean sees humanity at a Hecate crossroad and women’s consciousness and choice as crucial to what happens to humanity and the planet.
In this workshop, the experiential elements include a guided meditation, inner reflection, and participation in a circle with a sacred center. Circles such as these are in the shape of a mandala, with Hestia at the center. Hestia, goddess of the hearth and temple, was present in the fire at the center of a round hearth, and as such, is a symbol of the Self or divinity. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and moon, is likely to be one of the active archetypes in participants. Music and poetry will add to the experience.
Omega Rhinebeck Campus
150 Lake Drive
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Website Link:
May 11-12, 2012 - San Francisco, CA
Association for the Study of Women and Mythology
(ASWM) National Conference
Saturday, May 12th
11-12 noon: California Foremothers of Women’s Spirituality Panel
12:00-2pm: Networking luncheon
4:-5:30 pm: Play by Dorotea Reyna with Response from Jean Bolen
based on Goddesses in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen,M.D.
Fisherman’s Wharf Holiday Inn, 1300 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133
May 4-5, 2012 - Santa Fe, NM
C. G. Jung Institute of Santa Fe
Lecture, Friday, May 4, 2012
7 – 9 pm, $10 2 CEU’s
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
The learning experience that led to this talk and Jean’s latest book, Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet began when a huge beautiful tree in front of her house was cut down through a vote by a homeowner’s association. The tree came down while she was at the United Nations, where in a conversation about her unsuccessful effort to save the tree, Gloria Steinem, remarked; “Remember Jean, you are a writer, and a writer has the last word. That there is a difference between “tree people” and “not-tree people” was a beginning insight. Her words will lead us from knowledge of what trees are and what they do, to the symbolic, sacred meaning, soulfulness and wisdom of trees. She invites us to be mystical activists, visionary activists, and sacred-feminine feminists-- to heed a call that touches heart and soul.

Workshop, Sat. May 5, 2012
9 am – 5 pm, $80 6 CEU’s
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
Workshop, Sat. May 5, 2012
9 am – 5 pm, $80 6 CEU’s
The grail and goddesses are archetypes, symbols with depth and meaning. In this workshop, Jean Shinoda Bolen will bring us into the legendary, mythic and spiritual realm of the sacred feminine. Cut off from sources of meaning, without a connection to the feminine principle, the Tao or the Self, the inner landscape of men and women becomes a wasteland. The wounded Fisher King, the abduction of Persephone, Siddharta's quest are metaphors for depression and alienation and the loss of creativity, spontaneity, and love. We will listen to Jean tell stories, participate in a guided meditation and a circle with a sacred center. This workshop will provide opportunities to be in touch with inner sources of wisdom and compassionate action and encourage the formation of circles that can nourish and support who we are and what we are here for--as spiritual beings on a human path.
Center for Spiritual Living
505 Camino de los Marquez, Santa Fe, NM
April 20-21, 2012 -- Chapel Hill, NC
C.G. Jung Society of the Triangle
C.G. Jung Society of the Triangle
Fri. April 20, Lecture:
Trees and Tree People: Saving the Planet
Fri. April 20, Lecture:
Trees and Tree People: Saving the Planet
The learning experience that led this talk and Jean’s latest book Like a Tree began when a huge beautiful tree in front of her house was cut down through a vote by a homeowner’s association. The tree came down while she was at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, where in a conversation about her unsuccessful effort to save the tree, Gloria Steinem, remarked; “Remember Jean, you are a writer, and a writer has the last word. That there is a difference between “tree people” and “not-tree people” was a beginning insight. Seeing a connection between trees and girls as property added another dimension. Add a Jungian-Feminist lens as in her book, Ring of Power and the result is a way of seeing how archetypes and individuation can result in activism. Her advocacy of a UN 5th World Conference on Women is an expression of this. Jean invites us to be mystical activists, visionary activists, sacred-feminine feminists—or green and juicy people!
Lecture Location:
Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

April 21, 2012 Workshop:
The Sacred Feminine: Grail, Goddesses & Circles
The Sacred Feminine: Grail, Goddesses & Circles
The grail and goddesses are archetypes, symbols with depth and meaning. In this workshop, Jean Shinoda Bolen will bring us into the legendary, mythic and spiritual realm of the sacred feminine. Cut off from sources of meaning, without a connection to the feminine principle, the Tao or the Self, the inner landscape of men and women becomes a wasteland. The wounded Fisher King and the abduction of Persephone are metaphors for depression, alienation, life-threatening illness, and addictions on a personal level, that are related to the loss of creativity, spontaneity, and love. These are also metaphors for what ails the planet. We will listen to Jean tell stories, participate in a guided meditation and a circle experience. This workshop will provide opportunities to be in touch with inner sources of wisdom and compassion, encourage the formation of circles with a sacred center, and inspire possibilities of change and transformation.
Workshop Location:
New Hope Camp and Conference Center
HWY # 86 (Old Airport Rd), Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Saturday, April 7, 2012 – Palo Alto, CA
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Awaken and Aging Retreat
(For ITP graduate students)
Keynote: 2 to 4 pm
Awakening and Aging: Act III of Your Life
In the theater, Acts I and II build toward resolution in Act III. Such also is life. We are surprised at how fast time and years have gone by and wonder, “How did I get this old?, and (if we are fortunate), How young I still am.!” People born at the beginning of the 20th century did not expect to live much past 50. Now, 50 is what 30 used to be— and at 50, 60. 70, 80 —we think of living to 100. The personal myth or individuation story or soul journey—all have meaning as a premise for being here. With more years to live, there are major choices to be made that shape who we are becoming. It is in the third act, that character shows, wisdom and humor matter, and cultivation of an inner life is compatible with making a difference in the world.
Lucie Sterns Community Center, Fireside Room
250 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301
March 30-31, 2012 - San Francisco
California Institute of Integral Studies
Fri., March 30, 2012: Lecture:
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet

Sat. March 31, Workshop:
Grail, Goddesses, Circles, and the Sacred Feminine
California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Grail, Goddesses, Circles, and the Sacred Feminine
California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
February 27 – March 9, 2012 - New York, NY
UN Commission on the Status of Women - Fifty-sixth Session
Parallel Events
Monday, 27 February 2012 – New York
2:30pm to 4:00pm
Wise Like a Tree: Eco-Feminism and
UN 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW)
Nina Simons |
Co-Founder of Bioneers, Author, Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading From the Heart |
Donna Goodman |
Founder of Earth Child Institute, lead author of Climate Change and Children: A Human Security Challenge |
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD. |
Millionth Circle Initiative, Author, Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People can Save the Planet |
Yvonne Maingey |
Kenyan Environmentalist. Youngest Conference coordinator. UNEP International Children' Conference on the Environment |
Rosemary Williams, Moderator |
Founder Women’s Perspective, co- author The Woman’s Book of Money & Spiritual Vision |
Main Auditorium, Salvation Army Building
221 East 52d Street, New York, NY
Panel: Need for a UN 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW)
Friday, March 2, 2012 at 6:15 PM
Church Center of the United Nations (CCUN)
44th Street and 1st Avenue (777 United Nations Plaza)
Ambassador Gertrude I. Mongella |
Secretary-General 4th World Conference on Women, Beijing, First President Pan-African Parliament |
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD. |
Millionth Circle Initiative, Author, Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People can Save the Planet |
Anele Heiges, Ph.D., O.P. |
President International Public Policy Institute |
Salvation Army Building, Downstairs Room
221 East 52d Street, New York, NY
Salvation Army Building, Downstairs Room
221 East 52d Street, New York, NY
Sat. March 10, 2012 - San Luis Obispo, CA
"Women of Wisdom: Midwifing Conscious Change"
Keynote: Women of Wisdom Midwifing Conscious Change
San Luis Coastal Adult School, 1500 Lizzie Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - Seattle WA
East West Bookshop of Seattle
Talk & Book Signing – 7:00 pm
Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet
East-West Books
6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
February 16-18, 2012 - Seattle, WA
Women of Wisdom Foundation Conference
Radiate the Divine Feminine. Our World is Ready
Thursday, February 16 – Keynote:
Gaia the Living Earth, Goddess, Archetype and Mother of Us All
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122

Fri., February 17, Workshop:
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way N, Seattle, WA 98103
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - Seattle WA
East West Bookshop of Seattle
Talk & Book Signing – 7:00 pm
Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet
East-West Books
6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
February 16-18, 2012 - Seattle, WA
Women of Wisdom Foundation Conference
Radiate the Divine Feminine. Our World is Ready
Thursday, February 16 – Keynote:
Gaia the Living Earth, Goddess, Archetype and Mother of Us Al
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122

Fri., February 17, Workshop:
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way N, Seattle, WA 98103
Friday, January 13, 2012 —Corte Madera, CA
7:00 pm, Book Talk & Signing
with Kathe Schaaf and Kay Lindahl (co-editors), China Galland, Carol Flinders,
Jean Shinoda Bolen (contributors) to anthology:
Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership:
Where Grace Meets Power
Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd
Corte Madera, California 94925
Saturday, October 1, 2011 -- Petaluma, CA
10am to 4pm
Gather the Women North Bay Fall Gathering
“Women Lighting the World”
11:45 am – Keynote
Like A Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save
the Planet
Petaluma Women’s Club, 518 B Street, Petaluma, CA
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 -- San Francisco, CA
6:30 - 9:00 PM
Women's Economic Justice and Security
Reception 6:30 • Roundtable 7:15-9:00 PM
Rose Aguilar, Host of "Your Call Radio" KALW.FM 91.7
will moderate panel discussion followed by Q&A
Arcelia Hurtado, Equal Rights Advocates
Ethel Long-Scott, Women's Economic Agenda Project
Kaki Rusmore, Santa Cruz County Women's Commission
Jean Shinoda Bolen, 5th World Conference on Women Initiative
Sponsored by:
Women's Intercultural Network (WIN)
and Global Arts and Education (GAE)
Lorraine Hansberry Theater
450 Post Street, Union Square, San Francisco, CA 94102
July 8-9, 2011 – St. Louis, MO
C.G. Jung Society of St. Louis
Friday, July 8th – Lecture
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
Saturday, July 9th – Workshop
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
Norwood Hills Country Club
5601 Lucas & Hunt Road, St. Louis, MO 63136
C.G. Jung Society of Saint Louis
P.O. Box 11724, Saint Louis, Missouri 63105
Wednesday July 13, 2011 — Dallas, TX
Get Your Woman On Launch of Anthology
with Kimber Lim & Other
One day before the eWomenNetwork International Conference
Hyatt Regency Reunion, 300 Reunion Blvd., Dallas, Texas,
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM CST
Saturday, July 16, 2011 - Petaluma, CA
2:30 pm - Talk & Book Signing
Like A Tree, How Trees, Women and Tree People can Save the
Sunday, June 12, 2011 - Bolinas, CA
A conversation with author Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.and Kristina
2:00-4:00 pm
Ring of Power: Love Vs. Power in Wagner's Ring Circle and
in Us:
A Jungian-Feminist Perspective
San Francisco Opera Ring Circle Chair Kristina Flanagan
conversation with author Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., author
The Ring of Power: Symbols and Themes
Love vs. Power in Wagner’s Ring Cycle and in Us.
The New School, Commonweal, 451 Mesa Road , Bolinas, CA
June 24 – 25, 2011 – Kusnacht, Switzerland
C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich
Friday Lecture and Saturday Seminar: public events
Grail, Goddesses, and the Sacred Feminine
June 27, Monday Morning Lecture:
June 27 – July 1 Evening Seminars for Students and Candidates
at the Institute
Analysis as Soulwork: Path with Heart
C.G. Jung Institute Zurich, Kusnacht
Hornweg 28, CH-8700 Kusnacht
Sunday, May 22, 2011 – Charleston, SC
Lecture at 6:30pm
Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
The Sophia Institute, 26 Society Street and 297 E. Bay Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401
May 20-21, 2011 – Atlanta, GA
C.G. Jung Society of Atlanta
Friday, May 20th, 7:30 to 10 pm
Lecture: Trees and Tree People: Greening Ourselves,
Saving the Planet
Saturday, May 21, 10 am to 5 pm
All Day Workshop: Path With Soul: One Step at a Time Individuation
Trinity Presbyterian Church , 3003 Howell Mill Rd, NW, Atlanta,
GA 30327
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - Mountain View, CA
7:00 pm - Talk & Book Signing
Like A Tree, How Trees, Women and Tree
People can Save the Planet
East West Bookstore, 324 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - Petaluma, CA
7:00 pm - Talk & Book Signing
Like A Tree, How Trees, Women and Tree People
can Save the Planet
Copperfield's Books, 140 Kentucky St., Petaluma, CA 94952
Saturday, April 29-30, 2011 – Grass Valley, CA
See Jane Do Passion in Action Women's Conference
Saturday Keynote: Trees and Tree People:
Greening Ourselves, Saving the Planet
The Holiday Inn and Conference Center, 121 Bank Street,
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Book signing at the Muir Woods Visitor Center
Friday, April 22, 2011 - Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage
6 pm – In Conversation with Isabel Allende &
Book Signing: Like A Tree, How Trees, Women
and Tree People can Save the Planet
Tickets $50
Includes small plate appetizers, wine and an autographed
copy of the book
Like A Tree, How Trees, Women and Tree
People can Save the Planet
Book Passage , 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera,
CA 94925
April 3-10, 2011 - Ireland
Jung in Ireland Seminar
Creativity and Mystery: Sources of Meaning and Healing
April 11-17, 2011
Women's Pilgrimage to Sacred Sites in Ireland
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
NGO-CSW Parallel Events Schedule
February 21 – March 4
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 – 4 pm to 6:30 pm
to download full-sized printable flyer

"Proposal for 5th UN NGO World Conference on Women — 5WCW"
Church Center for the United Nations, 2nd Floor Room – CCUN
777 UN Plaza,
New York, NY
Thursday, February 24th, 2011 – 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
The UN Women’s Circle Workshop
“UN Women Circle’s Campaign”
Sponsored by International Public Policy
Institute and Circle Connections.
Participate in a FREE interactive circle workshop at the
CSW, and receive written downloadable guidelines for successful
circle leadership facilitation by local women and girls.
Hands-on experience of UN Women Circle Campaign.
Learn workshop skills in circle facilitation & World
Café process to take back home.
International Catholic Organizations Center
Holy Family Church, 323 East 47th St., 3rd Floor, New York,
Friday, February 25 – 12 pm to 1:30 pm
Click to download
full-sized flyer

Millionth Circle: Empowering Women and Girls, Changing the World
Main Auditorium, Salvation Army Building, 221 East 52nd
Street, New York, NY
Friday, February 25, 2011 – 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Ecology and Feminism: Sacred Feminine, Circles, Valuing Girls
and Trees
Church Center for the United Nations, 2nd Floor – CCUN Building
777 UN Plaza,
New York, NY
Note: You do not need credentials to attend. No charge
November 13-14, 2010 — San Francisco
San Francisco Writing for Change Conference
“Changing the World One Book at a Time"
Saturday November 13th, 10 am
Portrait of an Activist: Introverted Author
with Computer
San Francisco Hilton, 750 Kearny Street, San Francisco,
2010 Past Events
October 15-18, 2010 - San Rafael, CA
2010 Bioneers Conference
Saturday October 16: Panel
Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the
Heart (panel)
Jean Shinoda Bolen, Nina Simons, Anneke Campbell, Anna Lappe
and Gloria Feldt.
Marin Center, 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, CA 94903
August 26, 2010 — Montreal, Canada
XVIIIth Congress of IAAP
August 22-27, 2010
Circle with a Spiritual Center: Archetype, Mandala,
Morphic Field
and Component of Cultural Transformation
Saturday, October 2 — Honolulu, Hawaii
October 10-11, 2010 - New York
New York Association for Analytical Psychology
C.G. Jung Institute of New York
Analysis as Soulwork
A Seminar for Candidates with Jean Shinoda Bolen
C.G. Jung Institute of New York, 28 East 39th Street, New
York, NY 10016
Oahu YWCA Presents:
10:00 - 12:00 Noon
Your One Wild and Precious Life
Laniakea - YWCA of Oahu - Fuller Hall, 1040 Richards
St., Honolulu, HI 96813
Friday, October 1, 2010 — Honolulu, HI
St Francis Hospice
The Meaning of Life at the Threshold of
Death: Insights in the Midst of Grief
Ko’olau Ballrooms & Conference Center, 45-550 Kionaole
Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744
Saturday, September 25 - San Francisco, CA
Women’s Intercultural Network and California Women’s Agenda -- Call to Action
Closing Speaker:
Envision the Synergy
Delancey Street Forum Hall, 600 Embarcadero, San Francisco,
CA 94107
September 19-25, 2010 — Helena, MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch
Autumn Equinox Women's Retreat
"Your One Wild and Precious Life: A Deepening Gathering
for Women"
with Jean Shinoda Bolen and Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle
Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle
July 23-25, 2010 — Lennox, MA
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Path with Soul: One Step at a Time Individuation
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, 57 Interlaken Road,
Stockbridge, MA 01260
May 5, 2010 — Vancouver, BC
Banyen Books
Talk & Booksigning
Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World
Unitarian Church, Oak Street at 49th Avenue, Vancouver
May 6, 2010 — Vancouver, BC
British Columbia Nursing Union
Following an Inner Compass, Finding our Way: Path with Soul
More info at: www.bcnu.org
April 30 - May 2, 2010 — Minneapolis, Minnesota
Alive Aware Awake! Gathering Circles of Women
Sat, May 1: Workshop:
Grail, Goddesses, Circles and the Sacred Feminine
Sun, May 2: Keynote:
Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Woman, Save the World
Radisson Hotel, Plymouth, MN 55441
Website: www.AliveAwareAwake.com
April 23-24, 2010 — Dallas, TX
Memnosyne Foundation
The Giving Tree: Mother Earth, Caretakers
and Takers
Love Vs. Power: From Family Psychology
To The Fate Of The Earth
March 1-12, 2010 — New York, NY
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
NGO-CSW Parallel Events Schedule
March 1
Panel: “Winning Strategies for Gender Equity”
March 8
Workshop: “Millionth Circle”
March 11
Panel: “Amplify the Girl Effect – via a Fifth UN World Conference
on Women”
March 13, 2010 — Mobile, AL
Womenspeak 2010 Conference
March 12-14
Women in Circles Changing the World
March 25-26, 2010 — Houston, TX
Jung Center of Houston 24th Annual Benefit
Thursday, March 25, 6:30 - 9:30 pm
An Evening with Jean Shinoda Bolen
Houston Intercontinental Hotel
Turning Points: Creativity and the Mystery
of Healing
Friday, March 26, 10 am - 4:30 pm Workshop:
Path with Soul: One Step at a Time Individuation
2009 Past Events
November 3-6, 2009 — Bilbao, Spain
Sorlekua Women's Conference
Theme: "Building the Leader of the 21st Century"
Tues, November 3 - Lecture 7:30 pm
The Need to Adapt and Evolve in Times of Transition
Wed-Fri, Nov 4-6 - Workshop Leadership,
Women and Personal Transformation: A Jungian-Feminist Archetypal
Sunday October 4, 2009
The 2009 Milley Awards For Creative Achievement
Jean is an awardee for Literary Achievement and will receive a bronze statuette. The awards honors those, who through their accomplishments in the arts have brought honor to the Mill Valley Community Sponsored by the Mill Valley Art Commission
September 19-25, 2009 — Feathered Pipe
Helena, Montana
Autumn Equinox Retreat
"Your One Wild and Precious Life: A Deepening Gathering for Women"
with Jean Shinoda Bolen and Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle
Feathered Pipe Foundation
PO Box 1682, Helena, MT 59624
August 2-7, 2009 — Rhinebeck, NY
Jung on the Hudson Seminar Series
"Our Evolving Myths: Recreating Ourselves and the World"
August 4-5
Evolving Archetypes: Obama as a Symbol
Location: The Belvedere Mansion, Staatsburg, NY
Friday, August 14, 2009
Meditation Mount - Ojai, CA
Lecture 7-9 pm: Urgent Message From Mother
Location: Meditation Mount, Ojai CA 93023
May 5-10, 2009 — Buenos Aires, Argentina
Book and Lecture Tour
Editorial Kairos, Barcelona
Thursday, May 7
Lecture at Book Fair: Goddesses in Everywoman:
Powerful Archetypes in Women's Lives
Friday, May 8 - 10 am - 2:30 pm
Booksigning and presentation at Alteneo Grand Splendid Bookstore.
Organized by Ediciones Continente
Saturday, May 9 - Workshop: 10 am
to 12:30 pm.
Grail, Circles and the Sacred Feminine: A Healing Story
for Psyche and Planet.
Workshop: 2 - 5 pm:
Themes from Ring of Power, The Millionth Circle,
Crones Don't Whine, Urgent Message From Mother.
Organized by Arte Vivo Foundation
para más información pueden ingresar a
May 2, 2009 — Bellevue, WA
Northwest Catholic Women’s Convocation IV
“Dawning of a New Story”
Saturday Workshop Session A:
Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World
(11:00 AM -12:15 PM)
Saturday Workshop Session B:
Emergence of the Divine Feminine: the Hope for Humanity
(2:15-3:30 PM)
11100 NE 6th St Bellevue, WA
Friday, May 1, 2009 — San Francisco, CA
12:00 am – 2:30 pm
GIRLSOURCE 26th Annual WAVE Awards and Luncheon
Ceremony Honoring Women of Achievement,
Vision and Excellence
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Kay Sprinkel
Grace Ruth Jones Villa
Funds support programs which provide meaningful Mentorshop, work and leadership opportunities for Urban, low-income young women.
Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street San Francisco, CA
UN Commission on the Status of Women Parallel Events
United Nations, New York City
March 2 – 13, 2009
Further information TBA to registered delegates
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 10AM
2nd Floor, Church Center
Panel: Winning Strategies for Gender Equality
Women's Intercultural Network (WIN)
US Women Connect, Afghan Women’s Network, UGWONET
Monday, March 2, 2009 at 4PM
Grum Room, Church Center
The Grail Story: Healing Psyche, Patriarchy and Planet
The Grail-WIST (Women’s Institute for Social Transformation).
AWE (Anglican Women’s Empowerment), Pathways to Peace,
WIN (Women’s Intercultural Network)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at Noon
11th Floor, Church Center
Millionth Circle—a Form and Process for Sharing Responsibility
and Caregiving between Men and Women
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. 5WCW
Peggy Sebera, Millionth Circle
Elly Pradervand (WWSF)
Sponsor: Pathways to Peace
Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF)
Women's Intercultural Network (WIN), Millionth Circle
6-8,, 2009 — Charleston,
Weekend Retreat
The Sophia Institute
Heeding the Feminine Principle: Healing the Psyche
and Planet
Fri 6:30 pm – Lecture open to public as separate event
Sat 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Sun 8-11:30 am
The Sophia Institute , 297 E. Bay St., Charleston, SC 29401