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March 29, 2011, Feb.
18, 2011, Feb. 5,
May 9, 2011
Dear Friends:
Like a Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet had its launch day on April 22 — Earth Day! It was wonderful to have the first booksigning at the Visitor Center in Muir Woods in the afternoon, followed by a celebratory reception and Conversation with Isabel Allende at Book Passage bookstore.
Book description summary:
Like a Tree grew out of Jean Bolen’s practice of walking among the redwoods in Muir Woods and her grief over the loss of a Monterey pine in front of her house that was cut down. It is a poetic and educational, inspirational and mystical, and down-to-earth exploration of the interdependence between humans and trees, covers the subject of trees from their anatomy and physiology to their role as archetypal and sacred symbols.
Bolen draws on traditional wisdom from around the world and through time — from voices as diverse as Hildegard, Buddha, John Muir, Girl Effect, Greenpeace, Jung, Artemis and the Tao. She writes eloquently about deforestation, global warming, overpopulation and the need for a UN Fifth World Conference on Women as a means to reach a tipping point. Most of all, she makes us aware that the air and water we need for life depends on trees, and trees depend upon us to save them. For every book purchased, a tree will be planted in Togo, Africa, as part of Earth Child Institute’s 2.2 Billion: the Power of 1 Child + 1 Tree campaign. To purchase on Amazon click here.
An audio version of Like a Tree is available from Sounds True. Read by Jean—with the passion, energy and poetic sensibility that comes through as she reads her own words. Click here to purchase
Weathered Bear—carved by Devyon Harrison, was a fixture outside of the Muir Woods gift shop for years. After the book signing at Muir Woods, Bear followed me home in a truck and was carried down and placed on the stump of the tree, the loss of which inspired the book. It’s a memorial, a commemoration, a wonderful bear and a symbol of Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, archetypal feminist, protector of the young of all living things, most at home in the wilderness.
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”
~Antoine de Saint Exupery, Little Prince“The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, NatureNews about campaign for the 5th UN World Conference on Women
UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meets in Geneva July 2011.
A Written Statement was submitted to ECOSOC by Elly Pradervand, president of Women’s World Summit Foundation (Geneva) advocating 5WCW. On short notice before the April 22 submission deadline, the following UN NGO’s signed on as co-sponsors.Other NGOs can still be added: Contact Elly Pradervand
Intervida International
International Alliance of Women (IAW)
Human Rights Advocates, Inc.
World Movement of Mothers (MMM)
International Council of Women (ICW)
International Public Policy Institute (IPPI)
Worldwide Organization of Women (WOW)
The Women’s Intercultural Network (WIN)
Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH)
Women’s Welfare Centre (India)
Women’s Forum (Sierra Leone)
Girls’ Power Initiative (Nigeria)
Women’s UN Report Network (WUNRN) part of the Tandem Project
US Federation for Middle East Peace
African Commission on Health Promoters and Human Rights
Catholics for ChoiceFor the list and description of 123 organizations that support a UN 5th World Conference on Women:
ACTION Step: Add your organization to the list of supporting organizations:
ACTION Step: Sign 5WCW petition and add to grassroots individual support—now at 11,500,
ACTION Step: There is a need for a Resolution from a UN member-state to begin the process in the UN for 5WCW to be introduced at ECOSOC and/or the General Assembly in 2011. An Ambassador to the UN from any of the 192 countries can introduce the resolution — Someone receiving this eblast may be in a position to set this in motion!
With love and hope,
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
For 5WCW information and documents: