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February 5, 2011
Date: February 18, 2011
Dear Friends:
“Convening of a United Nations 5th World Conference on Women” is now a document in the six languages of the UN. It goes to the Commission on the Status of Women (February 22 –March 4, 2011). It asks them to support this and advance this proposal to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly, based upon the Written Statement that I wrote on behalf of Pathways to Peace, Women’s Intercultural Network and Women’s World Summit Foundation. Not as an end it itself, but a huge step toward a global women’s peace, justice and empowerment movement. I want you to know of this because you can help by becoming involved. First step is to know about this and to be with us at the CSW, in spirit.
Do what you can to help support the premise and vision for this conference. With Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile heading UN Women, the new superagency for women, the confluence and synergy of her leadership, UN Women and 5WCW holds great promise. Not as an end in itself, but as a huge step toward a global women's peace, justice and empowerment movement.
- Become informed: http://www.5wcw.org
- Sign 5WCW petition:
http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/support-a-un-5th-world-conference-on-women.html- Register your organization as supporters: http://www.5wwc.org/organizations/org_listing_form.html
- Urge support of 5WCW via links, Facebook, Twitter, personal emails, newsletters.
- Use your connections and influence to further this effort at the UN.
New book: Like a Tree; How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save the Planet.
“Like a Tree covers the subject of trees from their anatomy and physiology to their role as archetypal and sacred symbols. Bolen draws on traditional wisdom from around the world and through time—from voices as diverse as Hildegard, Buddha, John Muir, Girl Effect, Greenpeace, Jung, Artemis, and the Tao. She writes eloquently about deforestation, global warming, and overpopulation, as well as the work of Amnesty International and the UN Commission o the Status of Women. Most of all, she makes us aware that the air and water we need for life depends on trees, and trees depend on us to save them. Like a Tree is a strong and positive call to spiritual activism and sacred feminine feminism." (from the book flap)
Listen to the 67 second mp3 intoduction to the audio book read by Jean Bolen at the bottom of the www.jeanbolen.com home page
Information about Like a Tree and other books: http://www.jeanbolen.com/books/index.html2011 Lecture and Workshop Schedule (next six months): New York, Ireland, Grass Valley, Corte Madera, San Francisco, Petaluma, Mountain View, Bollinas, Atlanta, Charleston, San Francisco, St. Louis. http://www.jeanbolen.com/schedule.html
With optimism, hope, and warm best wishes,