April 3, 2013 NEWSLETTER
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April 3, 2013
Significant victory at the UN for women! Hello dear People, A strong “Agreed Conclusions: The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence to end violence against women and girls” was passed by the 57th Commission of the Status of Women.(March 15, 2013) It was a significant victory for women that was condemned by the Muslim Brotherhood. Last year the “unholy alliance” (the Vatican, Iran, Syria, Russia) lobbying against women’s equality succeeded, and for the first time in recent history (or ever?), no document resulted. This was a basis for opposing a 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW) by some who feared that the Beijing Platform for Action would be undone. This particular CSW involved many more ambassadors than those from the 45 member-states on the CSW. Ambassadors or Representatives from 131 other member states were in attendance, observing and lobbying and in the end the document passed by consensus on the last day. This means that 176 of the 193 member states were present during the passage of a strong Agreed Conclusion, which also bodes well. CSW57 Agreed Conclusions: Click Here to open pdf in browser, right click and save as to download Moving Toward the Millionth Circle and 5WCW at the UN At the UN CSW this year, my energies as an author, activist, and speaker came together, with the book launch The book launch was videotaped and edited into a ten-minute Youtube. It’s of me and Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury. Great shots of his holding the book as he speaks. Warms the cockles of an activist-author’s heart! click here Such a privilege to be on stage with the former president of the Security Council who laid the groundwork for the passage of SC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, and in his many other roles had a major role in introducing the concept of a Culture of Peace at the UN. In a separate video, Chowdhury speaks about why we haven’t had 5WCW and what to do about it. click here Moving Toward the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women’s Movement Click here to order 5 or more books at 50% discount directly from the publisher “In Jungian analyst and activist Jean Shinoda Bolen’s writing, symbol, archetype, soul work, and synchronicity come together with activism and the potential to change the world or save the planet when grassroots and enlightened leaders work together. In her latest book, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle, Dr. Bolen inspires and enlists women to be millionth circle, heart-centered activists in order to energize a 5th World Conference on Women in the 21st Century. The conference is not a goal in and of itself, but a means toward valuing women and the feminine to bring about a tipping point.”
Last year, the Secretary-General asked for a resolution from the General Assembly to convene a global women’s conference in 2015. Efforts were unsuccessful—the US and the EU lobbied against it. This was months before the US elections, after CSW56. Now that President Obama is in his second term, it is time to seek his support, as well as Michelle’s and their two daughters. Anyone reading this from another country, do the equivalent—get your country’s support. UPCOMING 2013 EVENTS Click Here for the most current informationSanta Barbara, CA Pacifica Graduate School “The Writer’s Journey: Outside In and Back Again” (April 26-28) “Giving Birth, Finding Form” (lecture, April 28) Helena, MT Feathered Pipe Ranch Women’s Retreat (June 22-29) “Times of Change and Creativity: at the Crossroad with Hecate” (June 22-29) San Francisco, CA California Institute of Integral Studies “Writing and the Inner Life Symposium’ (lecture, June 7) Copenhagen, Denmark, International Association of Analytical Psychology (August 18 –23) St. Louis, MO Third Jung in the Heartland Conference (September 5 - 8) “The Meaning We Make of the Numinous” (lecture, September 6) “Path with Soul, Path with Heart: the Inner Compass (workshop, September 7) Vancouver island, BC,Canada International Labyrinth Society Annual Meeting (keynote September 20, workshop September 21) Colorado Springs, CO. CG Jung Society of Colorado Springs (lecture October 4, workshop, October 5) About Circles
Circle Guidelines: Download from website www.millionthcircle.org/Resources/guidelines.html Circle Principles: Download from website http://www.millionthcircle.org/Resources/principles.html Circle Difficulties: The Millionth Circle. pp. 55-67. Books: All are published in Spanish and many other languages: Click here for more information With love, hope, perseverance and optimism, Sign the 5WCW Petition: Support the Secretary General's call for 5WCW
Sign this Change.org petition:
www.5wcw.org |