5WCW Activism: What You Can Do!
by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Join me and be an advocate for a 5th United Nations World Conference on Women (5WCW), which would be the most influential and far-reaching women’s conference ever held. Click here to check out the new 5WCW website!
Women who stand together for peace and justice are a moral force. The United Nations has moral authority greater than any government or institution. This is an alliance that may save us, especially now with the change of administration and spirit of service in Washington.
- inform yourself
- share information with friends, bring to book club: advocacy article and Urgent Message From Mother
- inform elective officials that you want your country to be in favor of a 5WCW at the UN.
- start a circle to raise consciousness, reflection and support for activism.
- email, listserv, blog.
- use your creative imagination your connections: there may be only one to two degrees of separation between you and someone with influence.
- enlist men in this cause
- get your organization to get behind this.