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March 14, 2016
Activism in a Rack Card
Hi Everyone
I am putting my energies where I feel drawn, which is not at UNCSW this year. I hope a climate for change will exist next year! The seed ideas for both The Millionth Circle vision and 5WCW are in 2000+ rack cards that will be handed out by others who will be there.
Since many more of you are reached through my newsletters, I want you to see the card. Glossy side 1 is about 5WCW, with Ambassador Chowdhury's words on why we need 5WCW, and mine on Envisioning 5WCW in India in 2020. Side 2 is headed The Millionth Circle and is condensed information from the book, "Remember history?" (teeter-totter principle = enantiodromata, a Jungian psychological concept) is followed by "Circle Principles.". By CSW 2017, there will be a new UN Secretary-General and new United States President, with women in serious contention for both positions: it could be a very exciting year to be at the UNCSW, and I'll be there.
To download image of the rack card to print or send: click here
For jpg of each side of the rack card to put on FB pages, to share in emails, to print--click here.
I hope many of you will send the 5WCW side 1 widely, especially to people in NGOs, business and the government of India; side 2, about the Millionth Circle and circle principles, to your circles and networks. Send both sides, wherever you are inspired to do so!
The Millionth Circle--my little book with a very big vision had inspired others--to organize and form the Millionth Circle Initiative with the intention of bringing circles with a spiritual center to the UN and to NGOs concerned with women and girls.
Ever since then, there have been conveners of the Millionth Circle at the UN CSW--with me as lead advocate for 5WCW for the past twelve consecutive years.
Click to order at Amazon
In a 2015 newsletter, I wrote: "The Lead Goose is Tiring," (Click to read full article) and "20/20 Vision"--the steps needed for there to be 5WCW in India in 2020. More than ever I see the need and possibly of a UN 5th World Conference on Women accelerating global change through women in circles. Just as this vision took hold in me, so do I know that there are others whose activist hearts are fertile ground for forming circles.
This beautiful bowl had been cracked and broken, then put back together with liquid gold. The result was not only gorgeous but was unique. In my Shift Network course, this exact image was in my mind when I spoke of it as a metaphor. Then a member of the course posted it on the FB page. No longer just in my mind's eye, but there on the page! I had been describing procrustean bed dis-memberments, and how child aspects of ourselves got shamed, judged, rejected, cut off and consigned to our personal underworld. I asked that they listen to Shaina Noll's version of the song, "How could anyone?" and sing/say it to their own inner child. The wholeness of your soul, when you have remembered pieces, and healed is integrated, beautiful and unique; like this bowl.
Teaching goddess-archetypes in depth-- while sitting in my living room to a virtual global seminar of over 400 people is such a pleasure!
The Three Golden Apples, Atalanta and the Footrace
At the end of each module, I come up with deepening homework for course members. Most of the readers of my newsletters may be familiar with Artemis, and some may know something about Atalanta, her mortal counterpart, which is the backdrop for these three questions.
I'd like you to think about what the three golden apples could mean to you--in the story of Atalanta and the Footrace
Apple 1 -- awareness of time passing: "I am growing older, in spite of how I feel." Realization and reflection about how fast time has already passed. Back to Mary Oliver: "what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Apple 2 -- However badly it ended: "Would it have been better to have not loved at all?" Artemis women dislike being vulnerable and don't let others see or sometimes let themselves know how deeply they have felt. Moving on without grieving, and suppressing how good it may also have been, and therefore what a loss it really was, can result in avoiding further intimacy, trust, vulnerability. Reflecting, remembering, talking with someone you trust, letting yourself feel helps. There is a need to move on, but move on with a receptive and discerning heart!
Apple 3 --winning, achievements, recognition for doing what you do very well over and over is not soul-safisfying to an Artemis. Newness, curiosity, growing psychologically, increasing skills that matter to you are more attractive. Other goddesses stir, when Artemis is done being the dominant archetype for a phase of your life. Then procreativity and creativity become more important than achievement. What would be more soul-satisfying now? Where might your curiosity and instinct lead you toward?
Entering the Chrysalis How to Release Your Old Story & Grow Wings to Fly —
Click Here for free replay recording of Luisah Teish, author, Yoruba Priestess, storyteller, wise woman.
Teish and I were in Goddess Remembered, National Film Board of Canada's 1989's now classic documentary about the pre-patriarchal Mother Goddess. The NFB film is on YouTube and is worth seeing or seeing Again! Click Here
Descriptions & More Details
April 2, 2016 - 7 pm Corte Madera, CA
Book Passage: Jean to introduce author and anti-traffiking activist Ruchira Gupta
June 25 -July 2 - Helena MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch
Women's Week-Long Retreat
River of Life: Water, Moon, Yin
July 22-24, 2016 - Stockbridge, MA
Kripalu Center Retreat
Lecture: Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Archetype of the Activist and Feminist
August 28 - September 2, 2016 - Kyoto, Japan
The International Association for Analytical Psychology
XXth International Congress
World Soul in Transition, Earth and Humanity in Crisis: A Jungian-Activist Perspective.
Breakout Session with Katherine Olivetti
Location: Kyoto Heian Hotel, Kyoto, Japan
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