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November 24, 2015

Dear Friends: 
I unexpectedly became hopeful about religions working together to help humanity and planet at the Parliament of the World's Relgions (October 15-18, 2016 in Salt Lake City). I was seeing and hearing about service and actions from religious people, who shared the basic value of compassion. Over eighty religions were represented among the ten thousand attendees, with ethnic and cultural  diversity evident wherever I looked. These world religions call divinity by a different name, or many names, but seemed to basically be saying that divinity was one; and that humanity was one.
They are working on forgiveness, peace, sustainability, climate change, and gender equality. At this PWR, a tipping point was reached in numbers and influence of women, which began with the  Inaugural  Women's Assembly that preceded the opening of the conference and brought together three-thousand women. We entered the cavernous hall to the sound of drumming: an upbeat. heartbeat,  the sound of twenty or thirty " Sheroes" with drums. It was an all-day event, two plenary sessions, and while there were speakers (I was one of them), this was far from a line-up of talking heads. 
Hope also came from feeling that I was seeing the morphic field effect, circles have become easier and easier to form; the more there are, the easier and faster more are formed until we reach the metaphorical "millionth circle."  The conveners of the Millionth Circle held a circle deepening before the PWR began and the evening before the Women's Assembly, put a large card about the Millionth Circle idea, and Circle Principles on each of the 3,000+ seats. 


John Lennon's haunting song "Imagine" was played outside the Baraclan Theatre where at least 80 people died in the terrorist attack. It has become an anti-terrorism anthem of hope. The pianist was Davide Martello, a German musician who is known for taking his moveable grand piano to play in conflict zones. 

Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
I  leave for London, Barcelona, and Rome just before Thanksgiving to give lectures and workshops, and media interviews for Artemis The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman,  helping  launch Artemisa in Spanish, and Artimede in Italian. With an IAAP--Jungian conference on "Analysis and Activism" and the Pui Libri Book Fair, both in Rome. I was emailed an announcement-invitation to send to my friends and colleagues for the presentation at the book fair. If you are in Rome and might attend, see the link on my upcoming schedule.
At every event I do, I "seed circles" believing that every circle with a spiritual center transforms the women and men in them to speak about what they truly feel and know, and in voicing this and being heard, trust in themselves and in the compassion of others, grows. Circles are a sacred space to incubate dreams of what you might do, learn from each other, and take first steps knowing the circle has your back and through silent prayer, visualization, meditation, can call upon the blessings and support of the invisible realms of angels, ancestors, and archetypes as well. A tipping point is reached when there is a critical mass. This is the metaphoric "millionth circle," the one that tips the scales, and enacts an enantiodroma or teeter-totter effect that ushers in a new era. Then, what was resisted becomes the new norm: such as women's gaining the right to vote, or the recent acceptance of gay marriage in the United States. It was how "just women talking" in conscious-raising groups in the late 1960s & '70s became the Women's Movement that changed the world for American women. 
Imagine a proliferation of grassroots women's circles with a spiritual center spreading across the globe. Imagine 5WCW--Beijing +25 in 2020 magnifying consciousness and choice, women's equality and empowerment. Imagine women having an equal say in the decisions that matter in the home, community, nations, and world. Imagine a world where what every mother wants for her own child was what all children could have. Imagine a world without violence. Imagine a world without patriarchy.

These weekly quotes are excerpts from Jean's various books. Click here to visit her website and here to see a list of all the books she has authored. 
Subscribe to the Weekly Quotes

Descriptions & More Details
November 27-28 – London, England
C.G. Jung Club London
Friday, November 27:  Evening Lecture:
Artemis the Archetype Liberated by the Women's Movement
Saturday, November 28  
Path with Soul/Path with Heart: the Inner Compass
December 1-3 – Barcelona, Spain
Editorial Kairos, Spanish Edition of Artemis, Media & Event
Tuesday, December 1:  Book Presentation of Artemis, The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
Wednesday, December 2
Workshop: Artemis
December 4-6, 2015 – Rome, Italy
IAAP – Analysis and Activism Conference
Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology
Saturday, December 5, 11:30am to 1:10pm First break-out session
Artemis, The Archetype Liberated by the Women’s Movement 

December 6, 2015 – Rome, Italy 
Casa Editrice Astrolabio Ubaldini Editore, Piu Libri Book Fair 
Sunday, December 6, between 4-7pm: Introduction to Italian version of
Artemis, The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman

January 7-14 2016 - Havana, Cuba
The New York Center for Jungian Studies
Cuba: Myth, Music & Spirit
January 27, 2016 - The Shift Network
 Online Introduction (Free) to Course 
Goddesses in Everywoman
Details TBA

February 11, 2016 – Houston, TX
Houston Grand Opera, The Ring Cycle - Siegfried
Evening lecture. Details TBA

February 12-13, 2016 – Houston, TX
Houston Jung Center
February 12, Lecture: Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, 
Archetype of the Activist and Feminist
February 13, Workshop:  Path with Heart, Heart as Compass, Heart-Activism
February 19-20, 2016 – Happehatchee, Florida
The Happehatchee Center
Friday, February 19, Public Lecture: Artemis: Goddess, Archetype, and Source of Meaning and Activism
Saturday, February 20, Workshop , Path with Heart, Heart as Compass, Heart-Activism
Location: Happehatchee Center 

June 25 -July 2  Helena MT
Feathered Pipe Ranch 
Women's Week-Long Retreat
River of Life:  Water, Moon, Yin
July 22-24, 2016 - Stockbridge, MA
Kripalu Center
Retreat: Lecture: Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Archetype of the Activist and Feminist

August 28 - September 2, 2016  - Kyoto, Japan
The International Association for Analytical Psychology
XXth International Congress 
Anima Mundi in Transition as the Consequence of Individual  and Collective Growth of Consciousness
Breakout Session with Katherine Olivetti
Location: Kyoto Heian Hotel, Kyoto, Japan
With love, hope, trust, and optimism.

Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD     

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Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
655 Redwood Highway, Suite 336, Mill Valley, CA, 94941