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October 24, 2014
"One sees clearly only with the heart.
Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.”
Antdoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince
Dear Friends,
Quiet time this morning, watching an exceptionally beautiful sunrise, with a cup of coffee in hand—I was in my “coffee meditation,” an inner space--when thoughts and images can arise as if coming up to the surface of a still pond. Three words came— Beauty. Silence. Gratitude. And the idea to use the quote from The Little Prince to start this newsletter, the same quote with which I had begun Like a Tree. Terry Tempest Williams (author, poet, naturalist, activist) also came to mind, we had just spent some quality time together in the midst of the Bioneer’s Conference last weekend. The three-word cadence was hers. It was from in When Women Were Birds, the inspiration for “Women’s Voices” the current issue of Spring Journal and my contribution to it. My recollection of her words: “Courage. Anger. Love: Something to say: someone to listen.”
UN 5th World Conference on Women
Advocacy for a UN Fifth World Conference on Women and the Forum engrossed me as a behind-the-computer activist yesterday. I wrote the ECOSOC statement for CSW59 (2015), which lays out why I think 5WCW is crucial at this planetary time of crisis (Link to 5WCW is my self-chosen “assignment”, an inner yes continues when I ask myself: Is it meaningful (to me), Is it fun (not always, but in the big picture of wanting to save or serve what matters to me, finding good company in others who are doing the same, being used and growing is fun). Is it motivated by love? (yes though it is taking far longer than I imagined.) I will be in Geneva the first week of November as a 5WCW advocate , will speak on at the NGO Forum Round Table November 4 (informal paper on what I will say: (Link to I hope opportunities will arise to further the effort at this UN ECE Conference (UN Economic Commission of Europe has 56 member countries, 28 of them belong to the EU. EU lobbied against 5WCW in NY). I will be joined in Geneva by India Supera and Winter Safronoff. While traveling, I can be reached at We are taking brochures that propose 5WCW in New Delhi, with a letter ” Why Have a UN World Conference on Women? Why in India?”
To view or download the full 5WCW brochure and answer to “Why have 5WCW? and Why in India?" Click Here
India Supera ( and Jane Wieland ( will be in India during the winter months to meet NGO and government officials in New Delhi. A Hindi translation of the statement is being prepared and printed to take with them. If a proposed meeting with Prime Minister Modi materializes, I will also travel to New Delhi in December.
| Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman is out in the world as a book and as an unabridged Audible CD in my voice (Amazon has this for 7.99). In Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and of the moon whose realm was the wilderness, the twin of Apollo. She is the archetype in women who are activists, feminists, environmentalists, social justice advocates, animal and forest protectors, those who have a sense of sisterhood with women and equality with men. A capacity for inner reflection, a sense of oneness in nature, mystical bonds are qualities. In this storytelling book, many real life examples and myths provide a depth psychology view, including related archetypes that often develop in the second half and last third of life. Artemis is also an inner image of the feminine or anima in a man’s psyche. It will be published by in Spanish and in Italian. |
Anniversary editions of Gods in Everyman and Goddesses in Everywoman came out with new covers and introductions along with a new edition of Goddesses in Older Women. All three are dressed in new covers with images from Pre-Raphaelite paintings.
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The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and The World (1999) inspired women to form The Millionth Circle Initiative in 2002, and include efforts to bring circles to the UN as one of its intentions. I came to the UN as a consequence and became educated, appalled, and inspired by what I learned at meetings of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, mostly through NGO presentations at parallel events. I wrote Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World (2005) as a result. I thought that 5WCW would surely happen after the Secretary General and President of the General Assembly (2012) urged that there be a global conference on women (link to statement) and then it didn’t. Moving Toward the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women’s Movement (2013) is in a way, a sequel to The Millionth Circle, written specifically so that copies could be given away at the 2013 UN CSW meetings. Information on all of my books: (link
Esalen -- Big Sur. California
November 14-16. Women’s weekend: Artemis, Authenticity and Meaning
November 16 -21.A workshop for men and women: Gods and Goddesses in Everyone: Archetypes, Depth psychology, Soul work
My intention is to bring the inner archetypal world alive—to know more about yourself, the significant others in your life, and if you are a therapist, to see those you work in the light of Self and meaning, as well as shadow and complexes which we all are susceptible. I suggest coming with someone with whom you might want to reveal more of yourself and know more of the other, through the discussion of archetypes. For more information For descriptions of these workshops, click here.
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With love, hope, perseverance and optimism, (my activist mantra)
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
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This petition is directed to the UN General Assembly.
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